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5 Ways to Save Money on Heating Bills

Published: December 16, 2020
LimRic Heating Services Keep Homes Warm During the Winter

The average household in the U.S. spends about $1,400 on winter heating. You can, however, save hundreds of dollars by using more energy-efficient heaters and alternative heating options.

Here are five tips to get you started:

Insulate Your Home

You will not need to run the heater as much if you trap more heat inside. Heat escapes through openings and thin walls. For starters, inspect the house for openings and drafts along the walls and piping and seal them. Adding extra insulation on thin walls will also help trap and retain more heat.

Pro Tip: The Department of Energy has an insulation tool that will tell you how much insulation your home needs based on your zip code.

Get a Smart Thermostat

The thermostat accounts for a significant portion of your heating bills, which is why turning it down will make a big difference in your heating bills. It should be turned down when you are away or sleeping or when there is enough heat to keep you warm. This can be done automatically by using a smart or programmable thermostat.

Smart thermostats are capable of measuring temperatures in specific rooms and regulating the heat. They also turn off automatically when you are out, and you can program them to pre-heat the house before you get back, depending on your routine.

Get a Humidifier

Water vapor holds heat, which is why it is recommended to keep your humidifier on during the winter and off during summer. The humidity helps to trap and retain heat, lowering the burden on the heater and thermostat. Humidity is also good for healthy skin during the winter, as it keeps the skin moisturized.

Use Energy-Efficient Heaters

Modern heaters (and electrical appliances in general) use considerably less energy than older versions. They are designed to be energy-efficient and usually pack more and better features. An energy-efficient system will save you thousands of dollars down the road and guarantee flawless heating and cooling.

Additionally, poor maintenance causes poor performance, which lowers your system’s energy efficiency. For example, a clog will make the fan run faster and harder, while a damaged heater requires more energy for heating.

Schedule Maintenance

Hiring heat maintenance services for your Charleston home will help improve your system’s energy efficiency and get it running good as new. Also, it helps to invest in quality heating installation services. Essentially, if you get it right the first time, you can rest assured that your heating system will serve you efficiently for longer!

Stay Warm & Save Money!

These are just some of the quickest and easiest ways to make a substantial cut to your heating bills. Get in touch with LimRic for heating installation and maintenance services. We take pride in being the premier heating and cooling company in the Charleston area!

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