LimRic Plumbing, Electrical, Heating & Air Announces March Give Back Grant Winners

We’re excited to announce that The Genesis Project and Charleston HALOS have been chosen as the recipients of March’s Give Back Grant. The Give Back Grant program, initiated in 2016, demonstrates “LimRic Pride” by donating a financial contribution to two 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations each month.
The Genesis Project was formally established in the summer of 2014 after the tragic drowning of a 13 year-old boy in Hollywood, SC named Genesis Holmes. Prior to this incident, The Parklands Foundation was exploring ways to eliminate drowning incidents in the areas of Johns Island, Awendaw/McClellanville, and Ravenel/Hollywood areas, since there is a higher percentage of residents in these areas who do not know how to swim in comparison to other areas of Charleston County. After Genesis’s drowning, the foundation’s determination to raise funds to offer aquatic safety programs in the rural areas grew stronger. The Genesis Project name not only honors the life of Genesis and all others who died in this tragic way, but represents the beginning of the foundations efforts to reduce the number of drowning occurrences in the rural areas of Charleston County.
Over 74,000 of South Carolina’s children live in the full-time care of grandparents and other relatives so that they will not have to enter the foster care system. The mission Charleston HALOS is to provide support and advocacy to abused and neglected children and their kinship caregivers. HALOS keeps children from being trapped in a cycle of poverty through links to financial assistance for food and health care, helps to establish legal guardianship, and help children and kinship caregivers navigate through crisis situations and link them to support groups and professional care. In addition, HALOS strives to improve and enrich the lives of abused and neglected children by providing donated school supplies, holiday gifts, summer camp scholarships and critical goods.
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